You can log into your account by clicking ‘Log In’ from the menu area or using this link.
You can change your password using this link.
To have your account removed from our platform responsibly and with your privacy in mind, please reach out.
We use Stripe as our payment processor, allowing us to provide secure credit card transactions.
You can update your payment info using this link.
You can view your orders using this link.
You can upgrade, downgrade, or cancel your subscription using this link.
Listing Package Short Description
Create up to 1 Listing of any type.
Listing owners can provide details to help other community members make better-informed decisions.
Depending on the type of Listing, the following details are available to all Listing owners, regardless of their Listing Subscription.
All Listings include a built-in contact form so people can quickly contact Listing owners.
The email address used when signing up for the platform will be the default recipient address, which can be changed at any time using this link.
Listing owners can have their addresses shown for quick reference and on a map, providing quick access to directions for users.
Listings can be rated by different criteria, depending on the type of Listing, helping Listing owners build their reputation by accumulating positive feedback.
Reviews are always moderated, can only be submitted by registered users, and Listing owners cannot review their own Listings.
Videos uploaded to services like YouTube or Vimeo can be easily embedded into a Listing.
Regular YouTube videos (e.g., ) and YouTube Shorts (e.g., are allowed.
Our platform provides valuable and easy-to-digest Listing analytics.
Communicate with other Listing owners on our platform using privacy-focused ‘Direct Messaging.’
To start a conversation or reply, click the messaging icon next to your username in the menu area.
Listing Package Short Description
Get every feature included in Package 1, plus all the features included in this package.
Create up to 2 Listings of any type.
To help people easily reach Listing owners and to help get Listings found in search engines, NAP (Name, Address, and Phone Number) is critical information to include in a Listing.
While including a Listing Title is assumed, Listings can contain the following information in an actionable format (ex., click-to-call) to make things even more convenient for platform users.
Links to Social Networks can be added to Listings, and when a link is added, the name of the network and the corresponding icon are automatically added.
If someone clicks on one of the Social Networks, that network’s website will open in a new browser tab so that users can stay on your Listing.
Put your most popular offerings front and center for customers to see, with captivating images, pricing info, and more.
Link directly to your website, allowing you to get more exposure and run visitors through your own sales funnel.
Logos and Cover Images are essential for portraying brands, products, services, etc.
For highly visual people, the right Logo and Cover image could make someone ultimately choose your Listing.
Image galleries are ideal for communicating your branding, products, services, etc.
For highly visual individuals, the right gallery images could ultimately make them choose you.
Up to 6 images can be added to an Image Gallery.
Listing Package Short Description
Get every feature included in Package 2, plus all the features included in this package.
Create up to 3 Listings of any type.
Unlock an additional ‘Bonus Gallery’ to further communicate your brand, products, services, etc.
For highly visual individuals, the right gallery images could ultimately make them choose you.
Up to 12 images can be added to this gallery.
Gain access to special offers for products, services, and more.
We are always looking for strategic partnerships to bring more value to our community, so those interested in potentially being a partner, please reach out.
Every business should have a website to call its own and be listed on platforms like ours.
We provide services to help you every step of the way with owning a website so that you can reach more customers.
Please reach out if you would like assistance starting, completing, or maintaining your website.
Search Prominence
Listing Prominence
Prevent your competitors from being displayed within the ‘Similar Listings’ area of your Listing.
While we are always willing to help all of our members, our team can provide hands-on assistance to those with Package 3 and 4-level Listing Subscriptions.
Those with Package 4-level Listing Subscriptions get priority.
To get started, please reach out.
Listing Package Short Description
Get every feature included in Package 3, plus all the features included in this package.
Create up to 4 Listings of any type.
Avoid paying for a premium booking solution.
Package 4-level Listings can easily embed booking forms by simply pasting the unique identifier portion of their booking form link into their Listing.
If you’re unfamiliar with, it’s a premium booking platform that is entirely free for individuals.
Develop instant trust with potential customers.
We help you show off your hard-earned work by displaying your reviews in an eye-catching format while providing a way to collect more reviews from your Listings.
Listing owners can easily embed their Google Reviews by simply pasting the unique identifier portion of their EmbedSocial profile into their Listing.
If you’re unfamiliar with EmbedSocial, it’s an industry-leading solution for collecting and displaying social media feeds, reviews, stories, photos, and more.
As part of our ‘Listing Support’ offering for Package 4-level Listings, we can help you with EmbedSocial and offer our members a massive discount.
Customers who purchase this Listing Package can claim Listings on our platform.
Package 4-level Listings are automatically granted “verified” status on our platform and will display a badge so other members know those Listings mean business.
Instantly turn your Listings into a marketplace.
Package 4-level Listings can add their products and productized services to their Listings, setting up a storefront that leverages the “foot traffic” of all the users and visitors on our platform.
Sell anything from physical products to digital downloads to services, accumulate and display positive reviews, generate sales reports, and more.
We receive a 20% commission for any sale you generate from our platform.
While we are always willing to help all of our members, our team can provide hands-on assistance to those with Package 3 and 4-level Listing Subscriptions.
Those with Package 4-level Listing Subscriptions get priority.
To get started, please reach out.
Boost your Listings, giving them a higher priority in search, additional placement throughout our platform, and special designation badging.
Listings are tied to a subscription, so as long as a Listing Subscription is active, the Listings tied to that subscription will be as well.
Listing Promotion packages are purchased separately from your Listing Subscription, and each package carries a different priority level and a different promotion duration.
Listings under this promotional level:
Listings under this promotional level:
Listings under this promotional level:
If a Listing is promoted or is a Package 4-level Listing, the Listing Preview Card will have a special designation next to the business or brand name.
Listing Preview Cards appear in search and strategic locations throughout our platform, offering a quick glimpse into a Listing.
Stay Informed
By signing up, you confirm that you agree with our Privacy Policy.
Copyright © 2024 Miannarbor
Logos should be no smaller than 160 x 160 px, with the subject matter centered as possible to avoid being cut off at the edges.
Images can have a maximum file size of 1 MB. Should you need to compress your images, no problem! Here’s a free tool with super simple instructions.
Headshot (Listing Preview) images should be no smaller than 800 x 900 px and Headshot (Listing Page) images should be no smaller than 160 x 160 px, with the subject matter centered as possible to avoid being cut off at the edges.
Images can have a maximum file size of 1 MB. Should you need to compress your images, no problem! Here’s a free tool with super simple instructions.
Cover and Gallery images should be no smaller than 1920 x 1080 px for the best clarity, and the subject matter should be as centered as possible to avoid being cut off at the edges.
Images can have a maximum file size of 1 MB. Should you need to compress your images, no problem! Here’s a free tool with super simple instructions.
Find and take control of any Listings you have on our platform. No Listing to Claim? Click here to add one.